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African Dwarf frogs mysterious death

22 15:00:29


My name is Amy and I am very new to the world of owning frogs. I have a 20 gallon tank with 5 fancy guppies, one mystery snail, and two weeks ago I added two african dwarf frogs. The first week that I had them they stayed hidden at the bottom in the fake plants I have along the side of the tank and my daughter loved watching them. Then just within the last few days the frogs began swimming around the tank, hanging out at the top of the water and "floating" as I read they normally do. I was very happy to see them do that because I assumed they were starting to adjust to the new tank and finally come out of hiding. Then this morning I found both frogs dead at the bottom of the tank laying on their backs. I felt awful, and my daughter has not yet noticed. I don't understand what happened, and I was curious if maybe the saline level effected them. I use aquarium salt, but only as it directs on the package for freshwater tanks. Can these frogs stand the small amount of salt in the water? I also heard that frogs produce more amonia than fish and their tanks need to have water changes more frequently. Is that true as well? And is the swimming an indication of unsuitable water conditions? Is that something they do when they are unhappy? I thought about getting more frogs before my daughter noticed they were missing, but am very hesitant because I would hate to lose anymore. Please help!


African Dwarf Frogs actually have very high death rates in captivity and since they're aquatics, I'd suggest asking a fish specialist about your water conditions.  Honestly though, I'd suggest getting a green tree frog or a white's tree frog.  They're more sturdy and because they aren't aquatic they're less work.  Plus your daughter can let them sit on her hand (provided that her hands are clean and damp).  Best of luck finding out what happened with your little frogs.  Sorry I couldn't be more help.