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Bearderd Dragon

22 14:53:22

Hello my bearded Dragon has an Infection in his eye since last week and ive been to the vets and they gave me eye drops which made the infection worse!!! and ive noticed since today that his back legs seem to be life less!! Im wooried so if you could let me know asap! Thank you

 These two symptoms may or may not be related.  Did the vet go over your general husbandry (diet, lighting, heat, substrate, supplements) Do you use sand?  All these things help rule out possible causes.  Did you call the vet back when the eye appeared worse?  What medicine did he give you?  Was he a qualified reptile veterinarian?  I'd be more than happy to help, even call on veterinarian friends for you, but before that I would need to know the following:
 Size of Tank
 Substrate - What do you have on the floor of the tank
 UVB Light - Brand and wattage, how far away it is from the basking spot
 Bright Light - Brand and wattage
 Food - What insects and what gutload for them
 Salad - Every green and veggie
 Pelleted Food - Brand
 Supplements - What kind of vitamins and calcium, brand
 Temperature of basking area and cool end
 What kind of thermometer do you use?
 Beardie - Age, sex, was he/she bought from a breeder or a pet shop?  How long has he/she been with you.  Eating? Pooping?
 Furniture - caves, branches