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Reptile possibilities and tank sizes..

22 14:53:38


I am seventeen years old, and currently work as a veterinary assistant (for nearly a year now) and though I used to be a collector of reptiles (tree frogs, anoles, etc.) I haven't taken up the commitment lately. I currently have four dogs, two budgies, a 10-gallon tank of fancy-tail guppies and dalmation mollies (all raised from fry)..and a spare 10-gallon tank.

Because I'll be headed to college next year, we're only allowed a 10-gallon tank in the dorms. My question is: what are the best reptiles to keep in a 10-gallon tank, and what set-up would you recommend? I plan on keeping live plants in the tank, and so knowing this would help me find which live plants are suitable to keep with the given reptiles. Thank you for your time!  

Hello, you can try a single leoaprd gecko, or two or three 2 inch house geckos, maybe 2 2 inch american green tree frogs or a singel pacman frog, you could try two firebellied toads or maybe a single 3 inch horned lizard a small king snake might work as well.