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bearded dragons head trauma

22 14:28:21

My 2 yr old male bearded dragon sustained a head trauma during a move to new location. He was bleeding from his left ear. It has stopped and blood loss was about 1/2 teaspoon. His balance and motor skills are ok yet he is a little pissed. (rightly so). Soaked him in warm water for 5 mins. and wrapped him in a towel under a heat lamp. I'm worried about infection and internal damage. Please help. Thx

I thought that I had already answered this question but just in case it got lost

I am very sorry to read about your dragons injury

The best thing for you both is to take him to see a vet asap

There is no way of telling what could have happened to him internally and how bad that it might be without some sort of testing and a reptile vet will know what tests to run

I wish you the best of luck with your Dragon and again I am so sorry

Sandy aka 'LadyGecko