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Female Whites Tree Frog and Eggs

22 14:19:04

I have two white's tree frogs. My female is at least five years old and my male
is three years old. My male calls every few nights, but the other day when I
put them in their smaller carrier tank he mounted the female and took the
breeding position. When our road trip finished he fell off and hasn't tried it
again that I've seen. My concern is that my female may have eggs that she
needs to release. She is always a plump frog, but she is particularly plump in
the recent days. Should I be doing something special for my froggies or is it
possible that my male was just acting strange?

Thank you so much for your help,

Dera Melissa,
thank you for your question.
She will need a big water bowl, the bigger the better. It should have at least 3-4" of water or more and maybe some water plants. Usually, they will only mate successfully when such ab bowl is already offered and when you simulate a rainy season for them, with hard rain for several hours.
Here's some good info on how to breed them:
I hope I was of some help to you