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My baby Iguana

22 14:00:29

Me and my boyfriend just bought a baby Iguana about 4 days ago and he's been doing fantastic, he still is, expect we're a little worried because on his left side near his tail, his belly seems to have a lump. He's acting normally and seems fine, could he just be bloated or is it something else? It doesn't seem to be bothering him at all, but we just want to make sure he's ok. He's only 2-5 months old. Thank you very much.


Hi Jasmine, Congratulations on your new baby. It's so hard to give an opinion on something I can't see so I want to describe what I picture from your description. So, there is a visible lump just in front of his hind legs? situated more down toward his ventral (tummy) side in the soft belly tissue? the lump seems "internal" rather then something in the skin? Does the lump come and go or change in size relative to his feeding pattern at all?
Does the lump feel firm to the touch and have defined edges or is just a diffuse area that feels more like something filled with fluid?
Honestly Jasmine, my gut reaction (sorry about the pun!) is that it is probably just a normal protrusion caused by the food and gas that are part of the hind-gut fermentation process that iguanas use to digest plant material. Iguanas can get tumours and abscesses and enlarged kidneys but any of those would seem quite unlikely at such a young age and with no other supporting symptoms. As long as he is having normal bowel movements then I suspect that all is well and you are just being overly nervous new parents!