Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Bearded Dragon born missing left eye

Bearded Dragon born missing left eye

22 14:27:42

QUESTION: My girlfriend Tanya and I work at Petco and she recently brought home a baby bearded dragon that is about three inches with the tail.  It was born missing its left eye and socket appearing to cave in a bit where the eye would be.  The deformity has also caused a slope of the jaw on the left side.  It appears the dragon is having trouble eating and has not eaten the vegetables and only a couple crickets.  The dragon is having trouble catching the food it appears when we saw him actually be able to catch a cricket.  What can we do to properly care for this baby and make sure it can eat.

ANSWER: Hello Travis,

Poor little guy, he is most likely the product of inbreeding.  
He can still have a good quality of life with your help.  I know someone who has a dragon with 1 eye & ended up 20+ inches.  
Just either handfeed the crickets, or pop the back legs off of the crickets & put them in the fridge for a few minutes to slow them down.
If he wont eat the greens & veggies then get them & put them in a blender to make a greens slurry.  Then use a plastic dropper to drip it onto his nose & he should lick that off pretty easily.  Make sure to put the calcium in with his greens slurry too.  
You could also get some phoenix or butterworms for him, too.
Are you also providing UVB light for him?   


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again.  I was wondering if baby food like the Gerber jars of baby food would be good for the bearded dragon. We were thinking of doing that instead of buying a blender and blending the veggies.

ANSWER: Hello Travis,

Oh yes, of course the babyfood is perfectly fine.  No problem.  You can use chicken babyfood, butternut squash babyfood, green beans or peas babyfood.  
How is he doing today?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I made a stupid mistake and left his heat lamp off all day because i figured its summer so hed be fine.  he was very lythargic  but when we heated him up he was fine.  hes only drinking water when given from a syringe.  still no crickets or veggies.  today he also is getting UVB rays.  were on teh way to the store now for baby food.  Thank you so much!!!!

Hello Travis,

Oh poor thing, he was not warm enough.  No he needs the bright lighting though when you are using a UVB light, it protects his eyes.  I hope he is doing well.
I think he should enjoy the babyfood too.  Just use a plastic dropper & drip it onto the end of his nose & he should start to lick it off of his nose.
Good luck!  :-))
Let me know of his progress.
