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ID central Texas lizard?

22 14:36:37

QUESTION: I have a strangely acting and type of lizard I have never seen in my 20 plus years of living in the Hill Country of Texas. If I send a photo, will you be able to ID? Acting strangely, thought it was sick, but it was quite lively when touched, yet didn't run off. I decided my cat would eat it if I didn't move it from lounging on the porch. Next few days I saw it hanging off the waterfall area I moved it to, letting the water just pour on it. Not a salamander and it just seemed strange.

ANSWER: Sure send a followup with a picture

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QUESTION: If this comes though, I'll send you a shot of him doing an asana to the sun under the waterfall...too funny.

ANSWER: That's definitely a fence lizard most likely a northern fence lizard.

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QUESTION: Never heard of such...can you tell me any more about it? Does it inhabit Central Texas normally? Is it migrating? Does it normally like water in the coolish part of the year here in Texas?

Central Texas I'm not sure though I know they are in Texas in general more so northern Texas but definitely not an extreme rarity to see one there.  Water would be a fairly normal place to see them if your weather is anything like we've been having here in North Florida it would make sense as it's still a little cool here but sunny and warm if you were in a basking area.  They're a fairly common lizard there are a few subspecies of them scattered throughout the U.S.