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Little white spots

22 13:51:03


I have 2 leopard geckos. My first I had for about 10months, so I decided to get a female, as He was a male. Well, I had her, and she is perfectly healthy, but she (pet-named Tillie)has these little white spots all over her body. They don't seem to bother her, but since she is pregnant, I want her to be nice and healthy.please tell me what you think this is, and how I can get rid of it. She has had these since I got her, about 2-3 months ago.

Hello Julia,

I think that the white dots are just part of her pigmentation.  I had one a time back that looked exactly like that.  She looks awesome!
Are you just talking about the white dots in between the black & yellow?  If so, that is completely normal looking coloration.  :-))  No worries.
How far along is she with her pregnancy?  How old is she?
