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red ear slider problem

22 14:36:12

Help! My red ear slider's skin is shedding. I know his shell should shed, but I can't find anything about his actual skin shedding. He's spending alot of time on his basking spot lately, also. Is this normal? What should I do?

Hello Andrea,
A Red Ear Slider will shed their skin often. It is perfectly normal and healthy. It is actually a good sign, meaning he is growing. Usually they will start shedding their skin when the weather starts getting warm again. So right after winter or the middle of spring. There is nothing to worry about. Basking more around this time is normal too. I think it feels good for them because of the itchiness when their skin is peeling probably feels good to let it dry and get warm. They can feel the atmospheric pressure change and know its beginning to be spring. Its perfectly normal and you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I should remind you however that you should NEVER pull at or attempt to remove the shedding skin from any reptile. It can damage the new skin growing it.

Hope this helps. Good luck