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Day Gecko

22 13:52:38

Hi Tracie,

I am planning to take my Phelsuma Day Gecko on a 5 hour flight and I have concerns about the safety. I am still not sure whether I'd be allowed to take it in the cabin, if not, how safe would it be to have it transported in the cargo? He is 1.5 years old. Thank you. Nenad

Hello Nenad,

Well, he is pretty small to be put into the cargo, because they are pretty rough with baggage, etc in that area.  You will need to call the airlines to see if you are allowed to even bring him on the flight or not.
If you are allowed, you will most likely need a health certificate within 10 days of your flight, to declare him free of disease, etc that you can get from the vet.  
If he is in a well packed box, he might be ok in cargo.  
