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Sick baby geckos

22 14:26:01

He Tracie,
I read your fantastic advice on someone else's gecko that wasn't eating.
I have two baby geckos that I got for my girls at Petco (I know bad place to get them from now) about 2 1/2 months ago.  When we got them they ate 4-6 crickets between them and ate mealworms just fine.  then about 2-3 weeks ago they both just stopped eating.  They started getting skinny and their tale got thin and wrinkly.  I found a high cal diet to make them that I have been feeding them both with a syringe everyday.  It contains prescription soft dog food(high cal) pedilite, ensure, handful of mealworms, calcium powder, vitamin powder, milk thistle tablet, and squash baby food.  I blended it all up and have been feeding them that for 2 weeks.  they both eat it but to my best effort they seem to be getting skinnier.  I am now sure they have a parasite or something to that nature.  Up until yesterday they were still energetic but now they sleep all the time and don't run around.  They are wasting away before my eye.  My husband will not let me take them to a vet because he thinks we should just get new ones.  I on the other want to do what I can to help them to get better.  So I bought the antiparasitic and some other stuff on the  web-site you suggested (thanks for that).  So they are very tiny and I am not sure what dose to given them once I get it and what else I could possibly do to help my little friends.  Any advice would be wonderful.  Thank you for everything.

Hello Michele,

Well, first off, great job on agressively beginning to feed them.  That sounds like a very good mix for them, so do continue to feed them the mixture, daily.  
If they are losing weight like that they most definitely have a worm or parasite.  
Oh don't give up on them.  So did you get the Panacur then off of beautiful dragons site?  
The only thing that I need is their weight in grams, if you can.  Otherwise, post a picture of them & I can approximate a dosage.  Panacur is safe so the margin of error minus or plus 1-2% is acceptable.  
Do you have an undertank heater in conjunction with a basking bulb as well, to create a hot spot of around 88-90?  Are you also providing a moist hide too for them?
What is the substrate you are using?  
Let me know their weights & I will dose them for you.  We will try the Panacur first, so if they have worms it will help alot.  If they have parasites, then we will have to go with the Albon.  There is a site where you can get the Albon from, too.
