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my bearsie

22 14:33:33

i have a bearded dragon thats about 6 months old i think somethings not right because shes stopped eating and is very thin i think this is due to a respitory problem and am going to take her the vet tomorrow. but this is not what i want to know my beradie appears to have laid eggs do they have to mate to lay eggs or do they lay them ready for a male to fertilize them because if they have to mate then we have emaculate conception or shes passing something not right

Hi Jason, Female bearded will produce eggs without ever having been bred with a male. Several species of reptiles do this quite routinely. It something to be aware of in the future so that a nesting/laying site can be provided and additional calcium supplements can be added to the diet. The eggs will not be fertile, fertilization takes place internally as it does with mammals and birds. Good luck with your vet visit tomorrow.