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Shelby my russian turtle!!!

22 14:44:18

Very simple question I hope. My turtle will eat nothing, and I mean nothing but green peas. I tried every kind of veggie and after about 2 weeks of him eating none of them, I feel like he is starving so I break down and give him some more peas again, is this bad for him to only eat them??

Hello Ron, he does need a variety of foods although I don't think that only peas is bad. I would still offer other foods. Maybe mix in other veggies? Do you feed him vitamin supplements? These might help as well. How long has he been eating only Green Peas for? Just recently? And I hope you don't feed him canned peas, these are very high is salts and that can be bad for him so frozen peas work nice just remember to thaw them. And don't give up and keep offering other foods.