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bearded dragons and chinese water dragons

22 14:22:56

i really want a bearded dragon or chinese water dragon but im not sure which one to get im kinda new with reptiles but i can handle any kind my question was which one make more hands on pets and almost enjoy being handled also do i have to feed chinese water dragons and bearded dragons pinky mice would they be ok without them also what do they eat and can you tell me about the heating of chinese water dragons and how much should a baby juvinile and adult eat i one day thank you for your patience and sorry for my spelling im only 10 but my mother is aware im on this website thanke you again and bye

Hello Maeve, I am sorry for such a late reply

Bearded Dragons are better when it comes to handling.
Chinese Water Dragons should be fed pinky mice but I never have fed them to my water dragons and haven't had a problem.

Water dragons need about 6-15 crickets a day depending on size.

Be sure to research on their care, and know that Water Dragons require a lot of space minimum 4ft tall 4ft wide and 2ft deep enclosure. Bearded Dragons require about 45 gallon tank of space.