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baby bearded dragon.

22 13:29:27

i have had my baby dragon 4 around 4 weeks now and the past 3 days he has been acting really strange he is normally really active and loves to come out to me! but now he seems to have no energy he is eating ok but after he has ate he will bury him self and lye there 4 several hours. he has started to attack us wen ever we take him out if his tank and hasn't pooed in 2 days. i just wounded if there was anything you could suggest that mite help him!! thanks for you're cooperation.

Hi Lisa-Jo

It may be something as simple as an up-coming shedding cycle. Reptiles can often feel a bit out of sorts during this time and this can result in a lack of normal activity, reduced appetite and even aggression.

Try giving him a soak in a little just barely warm water. That can help loosen the old skin which will make him more comfortable and will often trigger a bowel movement as well.