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Bearded dragon hurt (baby)

22 14:25:55

Even with the largest enclosure with the new babies,and being well of our babies has been attacked.  yesterday he was limping and now the leg is for sure going to fall off.  Very dry and barley hanging on.

I moved him to his own enclosure.  His tailwas also bit half off.  I do not know what to do.  He still eats...but what kind of life can he have.  Is there anyway to have him put down or is that just a stupid question...really I never suffered over anything like this...what should I do?

Hi Sher. You really really need to take him to the vet. ASAP. The vet can determine the odds for him far better than I can. Keep his enclosure clean, and keep him seperated from the others. Baby dragons will attack their sibs wheather they are well fed or not sometimes, so if you have more than one together still, you might also consider seperating them. Hope the little one is ok. Nicole