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My leopard geckos is bright red like sunburn

22 11:47:46

Over the past week my gecko has stop eating his tail has turned bright red like sunburn and has been licking it like crazy I recently had to switch to a 150 bulb because my house was to cold and I couldn't get his cage above 85 now it is between 95-100. He is going to the vet tomorrow

Hello Rachil,

Do you have any pictures of his coloration?
Did you have an undertank heater that got too hot also?
I would turn the bulb off, if you have not done so already.  He most likely has been burned by too much heating in his tank.
YOu can use a ceramic heat emitter along with a lower wattage bulb to help with the temperatures.  He only needs an 88-90 hot spot.  Were you able to have a cooler end of 78-82?  
Have you been able to get some food into him, via syringe?  I would recommend using some chicken or turkey baby food with a plastic dropper or syringe to feed him right now to help with weight loss.  

Let me know how things go at the vets tomorrow.
