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Fire Bellied Toads mating

22 15:00:55

Yesterday my 2 Fire Bellied Toads Mated for 5 minutes and then stopped last night they mated again for 10 minutes and then stopped today I thought they needed deeper water so I moved some gravel and added some water then the fire Bellies mated then stopped again then I moved more gravel the Fire Bellies mated and stopped again.The Male Fire Belly makes alot of noise every time he sees the female move near him. Are they going 2 lay Eggs?I really want them to  

I don't have enough experience with amphibians to be able to tell you for sure, but check out these web sites.  They'll give you a lot of good information on breeding your animals.  Good luck with them, and I hope you get babies too!,%20Toad,%20Red-Belly.htm