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Not sure what to get for a 7 year old

22 14:53:26

My son has been asking for a lizard for over a year now. I have been putting this off as I didn't think he was ready to begin caring for one yet. However, we had a deal that on his seventh birthday I would get him a lizard. My dilemma is that I know nothing about them. My first question is, what type of lizard will be best suited for a seven year old that I am sure will want to be able to handle it? I have heard that the Bearded Dragon is one of the calmest and most easy to handle. However, my son is set on getting a gecko. I have also heard that geckos will not breed in captivity, therefore, the only geckos there are come directly from the wild. Are any of these rumors true? My next question is, what will I need for supplies and what am I looking at when it comes to cost? If you can answer some of these basic questions I will be able to ask more specifics when I know what to start looking for.


Clueless Mom

 Frankly, taking the proper care of reptiles is a rather expensive thing, and one has to be extremely responsible.  They need an environment that, properly done, is going to cost a few hundred dollars, and then the exotics veterinarian is more expensive than a regular vet.  
 That is the first argument.  The clincher is, so far, the only 7 year old I've ever known who would be responsible enough to care for a reptile is Bindi Irwin.  Even experienced reptile-keeping adults will not allow their own children of that age to handle a reptile without supervision.  I would wait a few more years, and let the child earn chore money to "save up" for his reptile and everything it would need, including a year's worth of food and vet care.
  To give you an idea, for a bearded dragon, his tank, fixtures, furniture to start is $400.00, $10 in greens and veggies a week, $14.-22.00 in insects a month, $20 every few months for gutload for the bugs, $30.00 every 6 months for a proper UVB bulb or tube, and $55-75. every 6 months for the veterinarian.