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Leopard gecko nutrition

22 13:29:19

As you probably remember, my leopard gecko couldn't lay her eggs. I'm
so happy because she finally did. Now I have to get her nutrition up
because she looks really skinny. I've tried baby food and dead meal
worms, but she won't eat those. There are a couple of crickets in her
cage already... what else can I give her?

Hello Bea,

Oh that is super to hear that she finally laid her eggs!  
Well, if she wont willingly lick the baby food off of her nose, you will need to use a q-tip to get her mouth open so you can syringe some food into her.
She needs her nutrition now after laying her eggs.  Make sure she gets calcium too to help her replace what she has lost.  
There really isn't anything else to give her.  You could try some ensure possibly she might like that.
