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sharing a tank

22 14:47:29

Hi, I just got 2 bearded dragons(about 10 weeks old) at a pet store.  They were sharing a tank there, and I asked if they could stay together, they said they actually do better when they are with another.  they are very social, I was told.  Now that I have them both home, I am reading all different things about housing them together.  We are not aware of the sex yet- so I am not sure what to do about this.  Should I return one to the store?  I do not want to house them separately.  We only want one tank for my sons room.  Also, they told me sand is good for the tank, and I am reading that newspaper is better.  What do you think?  Thank you for your time.

Yes, newspaper is much better for them, as sand can give them a fatal impaction. If you don't like the look of it, you can always use astro-turf or slate.
As for housing them together, if they are both males, one may soon be dead. Unless you are positivly sure that they aren't both males, they must be seperated. If the petstore won't take them back, you will have to either get two cages or give ot to a sanctuary. Contact me if it comes to that, as I will be happy to refer you to a sanctuary.