Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Bearded dragon head and eyes sunken in

Bearded dragon head and eyes sunken in

22 14:31:03

QUESTION: We have a bearded dragon about two years old.  Suddenly yesterday I noticed that his head and eyes are sunken in.  What should I do?

ANSWER: Hello Tracy,

Well, that is not a good sign if his head & eyes are sunken in.  How badly?  Can you send me a picture of that?  
He sounds like he is not doing well.  He could be dehydrated, badly.  What is his eating regime like?  What type of feeders is he eating, & does he eat vegetation?  
Is he showing any interest in eating?  Is he moving around at all?  
What type & brand of UVB are you using, a flourescent tube bulb, or a compact or coil light?  What type of basking light do you have?  What are his temps?  How do you measure them?
Please let me know how he is doing.  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Unfortunately he died shortly after I sent the e-mail.  It is quite strange, we have two bearded dragons with the same set-up (a kit we purchased with UVB and fluourescent daytime and nighttime basking light).  They both have done very well for two years.  They eat crickets, mealworms and lots of vegetation.  We haven't changed anything in their regimine.  It's a mystery, but it happened fast!

Hello Tracy,

Oh, I am sorry!!  He must have had liver or kidney failure.  How old was he, 2?  That is very young.  
For starters though I would cut out the mealworms though, as they are pretty fatty & can contribute to fatty liver disease.  Stick with leaner sources such as the crickets, silkworms, phoenix worms, butterworms, or hornworms.
How is your other one doing?
What brand of UVB light are you using?  You mentioned kit, is it a R-Zilla?  A flourescent tube bulb or a compact or coil?
At night, they do not need any lighting at all.  They only need heating if it gets below 60 in the tank.  They sleep much better in the dark.
