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indan stick insects

22 14:31:03

hiya i have 4 indian stick insects but how can you can you tell if they are goin to have eggs and were will they lay them.

Hi Louise, I kept this species for several years and found them rather charming. I don't think that I ever actually tried to determine if an individual was carrying eggs and don't know if you can tell visually. I do remember that the females develop a red colour at the base of their forelegs when they are mature, at about 3 inches long and you can expect eggs anytime after that. They will lay them here and there in the soil and mine took anywhere from around 3 to 5 months to hatch. The babies are a little less then an inch long and quite thin, I found that I had to put a layer of cloth or paper towel under the screen lid to keep them in until they got a bit bigger.   

This link has a photo of their eggs which are only around 2 millimeters long but quite distinctive looking. They are the third photo down, labelled as laboratory stick insect.