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gargoyle gecko

22 14:31:28

QUESTION: I have just aquired an 8 month old female gargoyle and she ate really well last night but this morning is looking kind of bloated and her belly feels puffy.  I can't feel any eggs or hard masses, and the puffyness is more in her midsection than abdomen.  Could she just be really full from feeding, or bloated?

Thanks for any advice you can offer!

ANSWER: Hello Valerie,

How much DID she eat last night?  LOL  
Does she have adequate heating for digestion such as an undertank heater & a basking bulb?  
What type of substrate do you have her on?  
Sometimes if they eat alot, or too much, they can get bloated.  I have never had a gargoyle but leos will do the same thing after heavy meals.
Is she housed alone?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is much less puffy now, after having performed her bathroom necessities on my shirt...  And she is eating less now, but is eating every night, instead of sporadic meals.  I still think she's a little chubby in the midsection, but you can feel her ribs around the sides (not poking out or anything, but no layer of fat) so maybe she's just a full figured gal.  :)  

She has a daytime basking bulb, and a night time lamp which throws some heat, but is mostly for night light.  My apartment temp should meet her requirement.  And yes, she lives alone.  Her substrate is fir bark and spagnum, but she feeds out of a dish so I don't think she's ingested any substrate (I've watched her lick up her food, ever so dainty).  

I'm certainly less worried, after having observed some constant eating and an elimination now, but I still wonder about eggs.

Hello Valerie,
Great that she is less puffy now.  Oh no, she has gone to the bathroom on your shirt, ha, that does happen.  
Ok, at least she is eating.  How does her tail look, is it filing out?  
Do you have an undertank heater?  They do need that belly heat as it helps them digest their food better.
If she is not ingesting the substrate then that is fine, it should not be a problem.  
I suppose it could be eggs.  She would stop eating as much once she got to late stages of carrying eggs because they would fill up most of her belly.
I hope she is doing better.
