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beardy constipation

22 13:32:23

My beardie hasn't pooped in weeks!!! he still looks healthy and isn't very bloated and is still active(running climbing etc.) this has happened before but i gave him butternut squash and installed an electric heater in his room. my temp for his basking area is about 95 at the moment so i don't think its his temps. i've tried warm baths but he still won't poo. any other remedies or tips you can give me? my beardie is an adult male about 2 years old

Hi James,

Your temps are in range but still a bit at the bottom end for an optimal basking temp. Is it possible to put in a slightly higher wattage bulb or raise your basking area to bring it up into the 100- 110 range? Keep up with the soaking as well. Dehydration can be a contributing factor to constipation and space heaters are very drying on an environment.
The one other thing I would suggest before seeking out a vets opinion would be to add a few drops of mineral oil to his squash. It is sold in drug stores to treat human constipation.

There are other medical issues that can cause this like calcium deficiency, which can affect the nerve transmissions and the muscular contractions of the intestines. Pinworms, are very common in beardeds (they are not the human species, so you will not catch them!) and can build up to the point of causing blockages.

Is he able to expell any fluid and urates (the white portion which is the equivalent of urine)? Reptiles have only one opening that empties both their intestinal and kidney waste so it can turn into a serious medical issue if both are blocked and build up. If the next few days do not resolve it then I would really encourage you to get a vets assistance. Best of luck!