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Leopard Gecko.

22 14:19:15

I have had leopard geckos for the past 13 years. I have never had a real problem with min that I could not find the answer for on my own. But recently I noticed something weird in my 4 year old female. Right behind her front legs (basically in her armpit) There was a bulge beneath her skin. When I touched it it was not hard or anything so it wasn't a tumor. So I let her go through one shed thinking maybe she just needed to. But the little 'bubble' was still there. It has grown a few centimeters. It almost felt like air was inside it. But when the vet punctured it with a needle a clear liquid came out of it. I lot of clear fluid. So far no bleeding. The glands in her neck seem to becoming swollen as well. I have never heard of something like this. Just wanted to know if you have.

PS my vet has little experience in exotics in fact there aren't in within a 50 mile radius.

Hello Megan,

WOW, congratulations on having leopard geckos for 13 years, that is awesome.  Do you do any breeding then, or just keep them as a hobbyist?
Hm, that is very odd.  You said that the area was growing in size?  Did the vet send the aspirated fluid off to the lab to be cultured so they could determine what was in the fluids?  That is what should have been done.
Is it perhaps a burn maybe?  Can you post a picture of it?  
What type of substrate are you using currently?
What type of supplementation are you using, & what type of feeders do you use?
I have not personally dealt with this, but have heard of burns that blister up like that, or fluid filled cysts do occur for whatever reason.  
Did she have any trouble with her shedding last time?  
