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Bearded Dragon follow up

22 14:47:34

Hi and thanks for getting back to me so quickly!  Sorry I inadvertently omitted the necessary details.  Here are the answers:

He has a Reptisun 10.0 flourescent bulb as well as a heat lamp. The high side of the temps are generally around 100 or so.  Every day he is fed at least 1 green and 1 veggie (ie collards, mustards, dandilion, turnip and for veggeies it may be yellow squash, butternut squash, zucchini, snap peas, green beans, beets, carrot, corn, etc).  Some days he eats more than others.  I try to offer him superworms at least once per week dusted with Herptivite (pink label - again, I used ot use the blue label and he seemed ot love that, but since I have been using the pink label, he is much pickier about it).  I give him crix every once in a while and wax worms on special occasions - he *loves* his candy waxies!  ;+)  In regards to hydration, I generally spray him down really really good at least once per week.  I was better at bathes before than I am now.  I used to bathe him about once a week, but it is much less frequent now.  He is on newspaper.  His cage is on the small side because I have tried to hire multiple folks to build a cage for him and each time it has fallen through for one reason or another.  I think he is either in a 20 or 30 gallon cage.  I can't remember the number of gallons it is though.  And I have finally found a guy that is actually coming through on the cages - they should be completed within the next month.

Again thanks so much for your help.

 I would suggest 3 greens and two veggies a day.  Your list of greens is good, and you can add mache and arugula as high calcium staples. Summer squashes like yellow and zucchini are alright for hydration but winter squashes like butternut, acorn, kabocha, and buttercup.  Also carrots should rarely be given, as it's a high oxalate veg, which means it binds calcium.  Corn is absolutely useless calories, the rest are great.  Herptivite (blue label is a vitamin.  Rep-cal Calcium with Vitamin D3 is the pink, he should be getting the calcium 3 times a week and the vitamins twice a week.
 Hehe, wish I had a guy who could come through on cages, I sure could use some upgrades and a nice outdoor walk-in for my iguana!