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Green Iguana URGENT!!!!!!!!

22 15:10:58

Thank you for helping Cece.  I'm not doing anything thats not approved by the vet.  I'm giving him a dose of Difluconizole once per day, and puting Silvadine on some of the sores that have developed around his toes.  Today a biology prof. at my school suggested puting lotramin on the skin fungus to help him fight it off, but I'm still waiting on approval from the vet.  The vet asked some people on a vet forum, but he hasn't gotten any answers yet.  I'll check out those websites right now and let you know if I find anything helpful.

Some background...Ramone went to the vet several months ago when he scratched his eyelid.  That is when they discoverd a fungus that they couldn't identify offhand.  They did a biopsy and ended up prescribing Sproanox.  The fungus went away and the eye healed.  I was instructed to stop bathing, soaking, or misting him unless he was dirty, and then to clean him and dry him well.  Eversince his eye was injured, he didn't really shed that skin readily, but we left it go  because I wanted to make sure that the eye had healed.  Over the last week, the skin just exploded in thickness to the point that you can't even see the eyeball anymore, and the fungus returned.  We took him in immediately, and the vet said that the fungus shouldn't have returned like this.  He found an increased amount of white blood cells indicating that he was fighing an infection, and his xrays showed "abnormalities" within the organs.  The fungus is not black like the kind I've been reading about on websites.  Its more of a yellow-brown.  My vet is usually pretty optimistic, so when he says it might be fatal, I'm really taking it seriously.  I hope this info helped.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thank you so so sooooo much.


  I thank you for seding me the background info. That really helps me to know what to look for and help you with the problem..I hope he is doing ok.
  And I am truly appreciate for letting me know. I alway try to help out with questions. But sometimes I can't get them quick enough to answer them and returned them back in one or two mins. But anyway thank for telling me about Ramone. I will try my best to get more info. for him and see what else there is to help with that problem. Other than that I will keep on researching.

         Sincerely, Cece