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problem with bearded dragon

22 14:44:30

I am presently looking after a friend's bearded dragon and she has recently developed a soft bump near her tail. This was first noticed after she shed her skin. She is very lethargic and seems to be battling to eat and swallow. Also, it looks like she is reluctant to move her back legs. I was wondering if she could be constipated as I have not noticed as many droppings as before, or if there is anothr problem with her. Advice welcome. Thanks.

Sheila,                                                      It sounds like constipation. When they get constipated they dehydrate quickly. You need to immerse him in warm , but not to warm water. Since they can absorb water through their skin. Try to keep him in there for about a half hour a time at least once every six hours. That should clear it up . Also you can get pedialyte and feed it to him 3 times a day about 4 ml. in a dropper. Good Luck,Tina