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gluttonous gecko

22 15:00:59

I have had my leopard gecko, Squishy, for a few months now and have done tons of research to learn about caring for her.  
The last couple of days, however, she has lept out of her peat moss 'nest' everytime I come near her cage as if she has not been fed in weeks! I open the lid about two or three times a day to maintain her cage-- not just to feed her.  When I bought her, the guy told me 3-4 live crickets or worms a day... she has shed twice, now and I am not sure if I should up that number...  I know that leos are opportunistic feeders, but I am afraid I have a glutton of a gecko! haha...  what can I do to make sure she's not overeating?

Hi Colleen,
Sounds like you are doing well with your gecko..that's great!
Your gecko is most likely hungry.  At his age he will probably want to eat 10 crickets a day..maybe even more, maybe less. A good rule to follow is to feed as many as he/she can eat in about 15 minutes time.  
Its pretty tough to make an obese gecko when they are being fed crickets.  Its the fatty foods like wax worms that can create the obese monster.  Of course wax worms are for an occasional treat only!!
Make sure your crickets are sized correctly for your geckos size.  No larger than the space between his eyes, no longer than his head.
What the store failed to tell you is that as your Leo gets older, the amount of crickets he consumes will be higher.
You can give your gecko about 15 minutes of "play time" outside his tank every day...I know mine love to climb on things outside their tanks.  I let them roam on the bed and over pillows which I put a sheet over everything so as to protect the bed, etc.
Good luck with your gecko and if you have any more questions, be sure to ask!!  I do have a care sheet that I can send you if you would like.  Also, have you looked at the site at  its full of good information!!