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Bearded dragon (Sick or non sick)

22 13:31:09

QUESTION: Well today he is doing good, I ran out of crickets go figure, Hahah. And how mnay Feeders should he get in the am I try to give him 11-25 but with not enough time to head out to The store hes been getting 8-12 Just so I can plan to go, But I was going to start Giving maybe 15-30 In the am, 3 at PM Like 7:00pm before he sleeps and well he looks happy today just tired as always, BTW my son returned today and you wouldnt want to guess what he has brought back, 3 Full grown sand fire Beardeds 2 females already pregent and a male I had to buy a 100 Gallon long for them he says he found them and there well tamed Oh boy time to go by 5k crickets a monuth now !

ANSWER: Hello Justin,

Oh geez, of course you ran out of crickets that is how it always goes!  
How old is he again?  If he is under a year, he can have as many feeders as he wants.  If he is over 1 year, then you can back down to 50 or so, per week.  
Wow, he brought home 3 more dragons huh?  Where did he find them at?  Did someone just dump them off?  So, it looks like you will have eggs being laid soon then you will have to incubate them.  I bet you weren't planning that!  
Make sure & house them separately, the males & females that is.  Or, you will have more eggs & the females may stress out or the male could also.  You can put a divider in there that would help.
Where do you buy your crickets from?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I get them from Petsmart or Petco it really depends on who has the most in, Yet Petsmart gave me a breeders App, so they will buy 45% of each litter so thats good.

Hes about 3 monuths or so Maybe a bit older hes on 10-12 large right now all they have is Large and Super small. And the Male is deff getting out of my house he just tryed to bite me when I gave him his Meals so I mean Petsmart says they'll offer Me 5000 crickets or 100$. And one more thing After they hatch can I show the Mom's there little ones?

ANSWER: Hello Justin,

That was nice that they are going to purchase half of each clutch.  
So, they will do a trade off of either money or crickets?  Good luck on that endeavor.  :-))
It isn't a good idea to introduce any hatchlings to adults such as the mother.  If you wanted to show her, it would be best to do so through glass or the enclosure.  The adults move very quickly & can & do attack the small ones swiftly.  It is not fun to see that happen, as they usually look at them as competition & will want to kill them.
Unfortunately that is just how it goes.  
The male tried to bite you already?  Geez!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yep ! But today the little guy that we have been talking about started shedding head to back, now he sworming around in a coner on a rock trying to get it off at first I was like ??? Huh then I saw he was shedding so I gave him a bath, Porr guy got warter in his eye and started freaking out... Although I heard if you start takeing them out in the sun they will just sit there  and love it I tryed that today for 5 minuites didint seem like he wantged to move.. I also think hes a Mix Breed with a Sandfire you have to see him now !

Hello Justin,

That is a lot of fun to watch when they are trying to get shed off!  LOL
How is he doing?
So, he didn't like the sunlight at all?  It might have been too bright for him then.  
It sounds like his colors are better now after his shedding phase.
