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shedding problem?

22 14:14:23

One day my leopard gecko had some old skin covering her eye and I got it off by really gently going over her eye with a wet Q-tip (I heard that, that is what you are supposed to do if the gecko's having trouble) It worked, but now it happened again and now it is really deep on her eye and it's stuck. How can I help her get it off?

Hi Hannah,
Are you using a proper humid hide? Its very important for their shedding process.  You can make this with something as simple as a small plastic dish with a hole cut in one side and a small mesh bag filled with some Sphagnum moss coconut bark or Peat moss that you mist.  
I made mine out of the small plastic folgers coffee containers...I cut an opening in the lid..and put the moss in..they LOVE it. I use the terrarium moss in mine.
I use that on the warm side of the tank.
With the stuck shed, you may be able to irrigate the eye with sterile saline(like for contact lens wearers).You would just drip the saline in with an eye dropper.  If that does not work after one try, then you need to get her to a vet so that the vet can get it out. The process of wetting it with the saline may soften it enough that it comes out.  If she rubs on her eye too much she may scratch it which is why its important to get her to a vet if you cannot get it out.