Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > I dont know what to do!

I dont know what to do!

22 13:58:03

I have a 3 or 4 month old leopard gecko and today I put a mealworm in front of her and she wouldn't eat it! She just closed her left eye and looked away! She ate last week since I changed her feeding schedule to every other day and she ate good last week. I have her on reptile carpet and she has no sign of impaction. I keep it hot on one side and a little cooler on the other and I make sure she has fresh water and a humid hide.

 Has she been pooping at all?  Check her temps which may have changed from the climate changes recently, Also make sure the humidity is up.  Also, if she have not been to a reptile vet for a check-up she should be checked for high levels of gut parasites, which can affect a reptile's appetite if too high.