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Orange Iguanas

22 14:17:45

There is a very large orange iguana that seems to approach us every time we go to our boat. he bobs his head up and down and do the same with mine then he comes over to our dock.  Is he being feindly or are we threatening his territory?  I like him, but my husband thinks he is being too aggressive.  I really don't want anything to happen to him or her.

Hello Debbie,

Head bobbing can mean two different things, unfortunately they are two completely opposite things.

1) He feels threateneed, or is trying to defend his territory, trying to ward you off, thinks you are predators, etc.

2) He is being submissive (less likely) and is trying to say "I bring you no harm, don't hurt me"

Really he is either backing down, or standing his ground.

More likely he is trying to stand his ground and tell you to back off. If he is up high on all fours, and puffing out his throat, doing it in a fast motion. This usually means he is being territorial and dominant.

Slow head bobbing and laying with the belly to the ground and looking somewhat relaxed and slightly tense, can sometimes be considered submissive.

I don't think you wil have any problems as long as you try not to go towards him and just give him his space. Try to ignore him if at all possible.

Male Iguanas WILL attack a human (usually by tail whipping, sometimes with biting) if they feel threatened enough, and a large iguana can cause quite a bit of damage. Nothing like say a Shark, but you definitely don't want to make him mad.

Hope this helped,