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new bearded dragon problems

22 14:25:35

Hi my name is chris and I am completly new to reptiles.  I have a 50 gallon reptile cage with a UAV bulb and a basking light.  The basing area is around 95-100 F and the other side is around 88 F.  Iv recently obtained an adult male bearded dragon he is very freindly and likes to be held.  The only problem he doesnt poop, move, eat, drink AT ALL.  I understand he is probably freaked out from being shipped across country and a new home but its been almot 4 days and he is losing weight.  I am worried I don't know what to do.  I have tried broccoli, carrots, bannas, tomato, crickets.  Nothing, he has barely drank a little water when I put a wet finger to his lips.  Plz help

OK, I'll rattle off the problems I see.  You need a UVB bulb not UVA.  Bump up the temp to 110 if possible. Try superworms or pinkie mice if cricks don't work.  And finally contact the person you bought the lizard from and enlist their help, they know way more about that dragon than I do.