Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > leopard/spotted ghecko

leopard/spotted ghecko

22 13:55:54

We just received an adult gecko for our classroom. It was donated by one of our families. Should the students wait to begin to handle him, or is it ok to start now and if so, how often can it be handled. If you have any other helpful information that would be great.I do have all the basic care,lighting and environment information to take care of him.

    Dear Stephanie:

I think that having a class mascot or pet is great and geckos are wonderful little fragile pets but sad to say, (in my opinion)are not hands on pets, especially for multiple owners.  If your tank set up has a lot of greenery and a spot for it to hide when stressed it should be fine as a hands off class pet.   Geckos are flighty delicate animals who become injured rather easily, especially their tails that often fall off from rough handling.  At times they do grow back but never as perfect as the original.  
If you are looking for a hands on pet, I would obtain a Ball python or a Corn snake, both make ideal class hands on pets.  Please feel free to check with others and obtain a few opinions as this is only my opinion.  I hope you and your class obtain the right pet and learn together about reptiles.

                               Truly Yours
                               Joel La Rocque