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Corn Snake Shedding.

22 13:55:53

Hi.  I got a cornsnake, red-orange morph, about three weeks ago.  He was very healthy when I got him, and he ate two pinkies the first week home with me.  He's very young, only about a foot long or so.  Anyway, as expected, he entered into his first shedding cycle while I've had him.  The skin came off his head well enough, but now it's stuck on the rest of his body and I'm worried that he won't get it off or that he won't eat.  I've tried feeding him while he's like this, and he won't.  I'm trying another pinkie today though.  How can I help him?  I have him in a 20 long tank with a heating pad, UV light, rough rock, regular hidebox opposite the heated side, and a water dish.  

Thanks so much,

OK, first off, the UV light is not needed.  Snakes don't need UV.  Second, make sure the water dish is big enough for him to get into.  Third, if the skin doesn't come off after a shed find a container which the snake can fit into, fill it enough so that the snake will be covered but not so much that he won't be able to keep his above water, with warm water and either one drop of dish soap or a couple drops of olive oil.  Soak him 5-10 minutes take him out and gently (working head to tail) roll the skin off.