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Cherry-head tortoises

22 14:43:01

Do you know anything about the import history of Cherry-head Red-foots? I am trying to research their natural habitat, the deal with the 'dwarf' variety, etc.

Would you know anyone I could get in touch with on this subject for additional information?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Mark,                                                        Your red foot is found in the tropics. South and central America. Typically found by lush forests.They try to avoid heat and are most active in the morning and late afternoon.Your baby will reach a foot to a foot and a half long and weigh up to 25 lbs.Though if you have a cherry head close cousin it may not get bigger than 8 inches.While the longevity of your tortoise in the wild is unknown, in captivity it can live from 25 to 40 years. As far as an expert.... you might want to take a look into the zoology dept at the university of Honolulu or Michigan. Good Luck,Tina