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leopard gecko shedding/scabbing problem

22 14:09:48

We own an 8 year old leopard gecko. About 2 months ago the gecko developed a 'tumor' on the side of it's head. We took him to the vet and the vet removed it. It was an abcess. Gecko received 21 days of injected antibiotics. About 7 days after the procedure, the gecko developed a white scaly 'rash' of sorts on it's head. We went back to the vet and were told it was just unshed skin and that the incision was looking good, don't worry etc. The next time the gecko shed his skin, the top of his head was weeping and bloody - like it shed too thick a layer. As this healed, it scabbed up and kept the geckos eyes from opening. We went back to the vet and received steroid eye drops to keep his eyes clear. We did this for a couple of weeks - the entire time the gecko has stopped eating on it's own - I think because he can't see well with the scabbing. He's lost a lot of weight. The scabbing starts to look better and then he sheds and we start the process all over again. Scabbing, can't see, can't eat. We went back to the vet and were given tobramycin eyedrops, but the vet admitted he had no idea what was going on with him. So we're making sure he's fed, bathed regularly. I've been cleaning his tank completely and disinfecting each week. Has anyone every experienced something like this with a herp? Any ideas?

Michelle, sounds like you need another opinion, but one which is far more educated than mine.  Call around and see if you can find another vet willing to take a look.  Call the nearest zoo and ask who they use.  Your problem is way above my head.  Sorry!