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prgnant leopard gecko?

22 13:32:20

I think my female leopard gecko may be pregnant. I was wondering when and if she lays eggs if i could just use a uv light to incubate the eggs...ley me know all your info please

Kayla, leopard gecko eggs and I do NOT get along!  I tried incubating them several times and could NEVER get them to hatch...  I think my problem was that I kept them too wet.  Anyway, I doubt that just leaving them where she lays them would work and you need a heat light not a UV light.  You could also use a heating pad underneath the container which holds the eggs.  I use vermiculite to hold the eggs and that has worked with dozens of species for me.  If she lays, she'll lay two at the most so you won't need more than a cup of vermiculite.  Place the verm in a plastic container (like a small empty butter tub) and then just spray it with a little water.  Do not rotate the eggs when you move them (keep upside up) and just nestle them right in the verm.  You're going to have to look up the temps to be sure because I don't remember but I think 84-86F is the range.  Seal the lid on the container and only open it 2-3 times a week to check the moisture content.  Good Luck!