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My Green Anoles hand is so warped!

22 14:18:21

Aloha, I "saved" an Anole from a short life in a plastic unheated container being sold by a beach vendor. I got her (she laid eggs, so I know it's a girl) about a 12 gallon tank, the appropriate heat light and some furnishing and she was doing well being fed a diet of mostly meal worms with the occasional crickets and wax worms as treats.

I moved to Hawai'i and my dad took over her care. When I got home I was HORRIFIED how thin she had gotten and I found out he hadn't been feeding her live food! I immediately went to the store to buy her some live food, dusted the meal worms with reptile nutrition supplement, an put two in her tank.

She went for one but then let it go, and seemed disgusted by the taste of the powder. But to my ultimate horror there was something even worse I hadn't noticed. Her hand was warped and looked like it was trapped in something that looked like tar! Her hand is covered in this black tar-like substance and her fingers look warped and handicapped. I'm afraid she has some sort of tumor on her hand, or its rotting or cancer or something. Please let me know what I can do, I don't want baby Cada in pain!! My dad did not follow the instructions I gave him unfortunately and I want to get her health back in check before I leave in two weeks (as well as teaching my dad better anole care!)

Thanks so much!

Hello Mary,

She needs to see a vet for a possible amputation it sounds like an infection of some sort from perhaps an injury she had gotten and it wasn't taken care of properly.

I am sorry there isn't anything else I can do, there is no way to help her yourself besides taking her to a vet.

Good luck,