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Leopard Gecko not eating, bloody scat, violently shaking head.

22 13:24:06

We recently moved from Arizona to California, except we unfortunately had no room for our leopard geckos terrarium (Until we have time to go back and get it sometime this month).
So she has spent a lot of her time inside an open cardboard box.

5 days after we reached the house (Today) she left a small bloody scat pool in one section of the box. We weren't sure if the box was affecting her, so we moved her into a large plastic, slightly transparent, tub. There she also defecated, at two separate sessions, more bloody scat pools. She hasn't eaten any of the wax or the mealworms we've left out for her today (She hasn't been fed a some time) and she just did some form of a violent head shake and several possible yawnings, in which she opens her mouth VERY wide. Her body seems to be well sized and the tail seems normal.

What should we do? A vet route just seems very difficult for us financially.

Hi John,
The bloody scat cn be the result of internal parasites.  All reptiles do have and need some internal parasites but when the lizard becomes stressed, that "load" can increase and may need to be controlled with oral medications.  With your leo, she has had lots of stress...the move, and also two different cages. I do recommend that she be seen by a vet or at least have a fecal check done so that medications can be given.  
Of course there can be other causes, but only a vet can diagnose.
If she hasn't been fed in quite sometime, her "system" should be rather empty so no stools would be present. Dehydration can cause what appears as neurological problems...shaking of the head, etc....try offering some water via an eye dropper or other means.
Also, is it possible she has something stuck in her throat? If she hasn't been offered food as of late, she may be breaking the "leo rule" on food and is trying to eat non moving items due to hunger. Do be careful offering waxworms in large amounts as they are very high in fat content and can cause fatty liver disease.
Its good that her tail is holding its size.