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Anoles- possible parasite

22 13:35:53

Hi Pam,
I saw some of your other answers about these pets and am hoping you can help me.  We have 2 Anoles....they have been together for some time, they would snuggle each other, were green regularly and seemed generally happy.

Until recently, they seem to have greatly reduced the amount they eat.  I thought this may have been from shedding at first, but this is the 3rd batch of crickets and they are just letting the crickets crawl all over them.  The still appear to be shedding, plus their eyes are closed or filmed over and the one has a bumpon its nose.  They seem very skinny to they should be hungry.

Could it be a parasite of some sort?  If so, is there some medicine I can buy at the pet store?

Thanks so much for your help!

First, how old are these anoles?  Are they elderly?  Have they had access to clean water at all times?
I would consider having a fecal test done for parasites.  High gut parasites will disturb their appetites.  The fecal will tell what kind of parasites and which treatment to use.  Definitive care is always the best way to go.  Have them seen by a good reptile veterinarian.