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MHD... sick? =(

22 14:17:38


MHD Current
Hi Tracie,

As you probably remember from previous emails, my MHDs are currently brumating (or what I think is brumating, they are hiding a lot and rarely come out to eat and run around). Today my male MHD came out and I noticed that he looked slightly different. His skin is sort of saggy, which I would assume is due to him not eating as much... should I be concerned? I understand I think he's brumating, so would this be normal given the circumstances?

I will attach a current picture to get your best recommendation.

If everything is fine, I should just continue to let them chill out?



Hello Justin,

Of course I remember you.  I hope things are going ok for you.  
Well, if your boy is brumating, then, it is a little normal for him to be darker than normal.  If his skin is saggy then he could probably use some hydration.  
How old is he again?  Maybe try to get some oral fluids into him if you can to make sure he is adequately hydrated.  
His eyes look pretty good, they don't appear to be sunken in.  At least in the picture they don't appear to be.  Some oral fluids would be good.  Other than that, just let them brumate awhile longer.
Just check on them from time to time, every few days to make sure that they are doing ok.
