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Some questions about bearedies greens

22 13:24:45

Hi Tracie,

Hello how are you? It's me again, I've some question regarding veggies. My beardie is doing fine i guess after the previous episode. I've read up somewhere on the internet that some people uses packed salad greens used in the supermarket to feed the beardies. What I've found in the ingredients for the packed salad in my country's supermarket seems a little unfamiliar to what I've came across on the safe greens for beardies on beautiful dragons webby. I've wrote down some of them, Red & Green Coral, Red & Green Oak, Frize, Tatsoi, Mizuna, Chard and Rocket.

Actually due to the low consumption of veggies in my family we hardly buy those that suits the beardies. My mom would occasionally picked up the left over in the markets. Thus, i thought maybe i could buy those packed salad and solve the problems.

Another question is i know that romaine lettuce is not a very good choice for beardies, but what's the different romaine and romaine lettuce and also butterhead lettuce? Are they the same? Because I afraid that i buy the wrong veggies as i find it hard to differentiate cabbages and veggies unless it's in the supermarket where they label the names. The common ones i get is bok choy (chinese cabbage), white cabbage, carrots. I doesn't feed him fruits is it alright? Because it seems that he doesn't or eat very little of fruits without using the "aggro" (scaring him to open mouth) him tactic i mention in the other post.

I've also heard that i can freeze veggies and fruits into cubes to keep it longer, I've also heard that by freezing it there's a lack in "Thiamine" which is bad for beardies in the a long run. If it's not true then by doing that it would have safe me some money.

Thank you for your time :)
Have A Nice Day

Hello Jeremy,

I am glad to hear your dragon is doing well now!  
The freezing of the veggies & greens will break down the thiamine so it will lack the vitamin when they eat it causing a thiamin deficiency, yes.   
The Chard, Rocket, Red & Green Oak leaf are all fine.  I am not familiar with the others but those three should be fine.  A good variety is great, too.  The romaine lettuce is ok if you mix a little in with the darker leafier greens.  The butterhead lettuce is mild & watery like the iceberg lettuce so limit the feeding of that one, also.  The Bok choy is alright, on occasion too.  
The fruits, I wouldn't worry about too much. They really only need them a couple of times per week, due to the sugar content.
You can send pictures when you get a chance.
