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Sick Chinese fire-bellied newt?

22 11:53:44


I have two Chinese fire-bellied newts which I have had for about a year now. One seems very healthy and eats a lot. It normally stays in the water. The other has recently become very obese and lethargic. It stays mainly above water and I've started to notice that its skin is peeling a lot. I hardly ever see it eat, either. I moved from the country to the city recently, but I treat the water every time I add new water. The obese one never had this problem while I lived in the country. Do you know what could be causing this and how I could help it?

Thank you!

Blair,     Obesity is a reptile and amphibian killer. The problem isn't that it attacks one organ. It starts with the liver and starts shutting other organs down. Even though your newt has the amazing power to regenerate even damaged organs when so much damage is done at a time you never know. Especially with no time to repair because the overfeeding was still happening. I think it may have caught up with him. I would watch his feeding and hope for the best. When you got them they should have told you be careful not to overfeed and I know how easy it is for them to train us and act like they are starving. If he doesn't make it , it is not your fault but, definitely take it as a lesson learned. Good Luck, Tina