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Regarding my Red Tail Boa

22 14:45:44

I recently purchased a Red Tail Boa, he is about 6 foot long. I purchased him from a breeder and reptile shop owner. He seems to be very temperamental. He has never struck at me but he doesn't seem to like being handled. He is very squirmy and almost impossible to hold on to. How can I get him comfortable with being handled? The few times i have tried to handle him he is very hard to get put bake in his cage. Any information on handling him or calming him down will be greatly appreciated.
                      Thanky You!

Hi Anthony, There's no magic bullet it's just a matter of regular and consistent handling. This can be easy to forget to do when the handling sessions are not exactly a pleasure for you but try to stick to it! If he has not been threatening you with defensive strikes then you are already doing pretty well. Snakes that are not accustomed to being handled get really squirmy when their body is not touching the ground. Try to give him that extra feeling of security by supporting as much of his length as possible and not letting him dangle too much. This is easier said then done with 6 feet of snake, I realize. I adopted a six footer from an animal shelter that was similarly nervous. I made great strides with him by handling him while sitting on the couch, bed or floor. He never felt like he was falling and became accustomed to being gently lifted and "re-directed" and the general feeling of hands touching him. They are quite strong and can be fairly willful but once you feel more comfortable and gain confidence in handling him it will seem much easier.