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snake problem

22 15:00:51

I have a high rock wall lining the left side of my driveway which also happens to be serving a retaining wall from my front yard all along to the foundation of my house. I believe snakes are multiplying in it as I have noticed an increase in the past two years. They don't seem to be afraid of us anymore and like to hang out in the rocks, on my walkway and have come into my garage and basement. I am not a snake expert and believe these to be non-poisonous, but since they are living so close to us, I'm afraid my son or others will accidentally step on it and it will bite. We live in southern NH. I have put down snake away(two containers of it in the last month) and they still are there. I believe they are garter snakes, but saw one today that had bright colors, white, black and red, with smooth scales.Pattern seemed to be large rings or rectangles. This one scard me. They are very creepy to me and prevent me from going outside in my yard, drive way and walkway. What type of snake is that red, white and black one? What can I do to get rid of them? I don't want to hurt them, but they are living way too close for comfort to me and my family and the snake away doesn't seem to work.

Hi Laura,
hmmm sorry dont no what happened to the first part, but here goes lol...first and formost i would make a call to animal control to have them evaluate your situation,the colorful snake in the color order that you describe is very important A simple rhyme makes it easy to remember the order: Red on yellow, kill a fellow. An alternative rhyme, yellow on red, you're dead" is a bit of an overstatement, as the vast majority of people who do get bitten by a coral snake just become very ill, recovering with no residual effects. but if you have small pets or children that could be worse now the majority of your snakes do sound like garter snakes with the exception of the on siting so you really do not have to lets try to get rid of them ,our first tactic will be a heavy salting,or heavy salt water mixed in 5 gallon buckets and pur over the rocks everyday for a few days and that should have them moving out,
i know its alot of work with the water but it should work if not and i know this is going to soud looney Butt it has worked ive seen it. snakes do not have ears they they do their smelling and sense of vibration thru their tongues and if you can creat a disturbance that is constant you may drive them out,but your neighbors might not like it.

               well let me know if the salt works out and in the mean time ill research any other non-harmful ways.