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Stevie the leopard gecko

22 14:01:22

Thanks for all of your interest in Stevie as we are very new (and unknowledgable)to lizard-keeping! We feed them 8-10 crickets every other day (however-we will cut back to assure none are left in the tank as to avoid another cricket bite:). We watch them eat and the girl eats more but she is not stopping the male from eating. He just doesn't seem interested. We have them in a 15 gallon tank. They have thin talls not thick as I have seen in some pics. And for the most part seem healthy. Thanks again.

Hello Jane,

That is OK, we are all new at one time or another.  You are learning & that is what it takes.  I know Stevie is appreciative of your efforts to care for him.  :-))
I would recommend not leaving any crickets in the tank overnight.  That really stresses them out & the crickets will bite them.  
The sized tank is fine, as long as they have their own little areas in order to have adequate space.  
If the tails are not fat, then they may not be getting enough to eat.  So, I am not sure I would cut back but maybe change their feeding habits.  Can you take them out to try & feed them to ensure they are getting enough?  The tails need to be fat, for optimal health.  The amount of food sounds pretty good overall.
Maybe you could add some waxworms a few times per week to give a little bit of fat, or maybe a few mealies.
